Using GeoGebra to create Activities and Applets

for Visualization and Exploration

The materials on the CD extend beyond what we can cover in the workshop.  This allows us to pick and choose according to the tastes of the participants.  The overfull outline:
  1. Introductions and setup issues
  2. Creating a first geometric activity
  3. Creating a first applet. –
  4. Creating an algebra activity – Exploring quadratic functions.  This activity has the participants effectively recreating the applet at  
  5. An overview of the menus and commands of GeoGebra (version 3.0)
  6. An overview of available resources on the internet – 
  7. An introduction to javascript controls on an applet -  
  8. Creating a calculus activity – Define f(x) as a function with three parameters in the definition.  Let g(x) and h(x) respectively be the derivative and integral of f(x).  Define a root of g(x) and the corresponding points on f(x) and h(x), along with tangent lines at those points.  Notice what happens as the parameters are moved with the sliders, and then redefined.
  9. Second demonstration of Javascript -  
  10. Looking at other applets -
  11. New features in the next version of GeoGebra (3.2) -
  12. Discussion of ideas for applets and demonstrations – This discussion will look at different approaches that might be considered based on local details about the course being taught and resources available.  The optimal design for a demonstration as  part of a lecture to 500 students is different from an exploration tool intended for students to use as part of a homework assignment outside of class. 
  13. Advanced constructions, customized tools, sequences-  We will look at some features that are more advanced.  In particular GeoGebra lets the user define custom tools, customize the tools available on the tool list, and define sequences of objects.
  14. A look at how a pre-service teacher made several lessons for a portfolio web page.
  15. Time to try a participant applet – hopefully the participants will have some ideas of applets they would like to create and will get a chance to get started.  This gives the participants to ask questions about GeoGebra from the context where they will be teaching.
  16. Wrap up and evaluations
© Mike May, S.J., 2009

Mike May, S.J.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Saint Louis University