Chapter 3 Differentiation

Section 3.1 The Derivative

Derivatives and Differentiation

Tangent Lines and Normal Lines

Differentiability and Continuity

Section 3.2 Some Differentiation Formulas

Some Differentiation Formulas

Section 3.3 The d/dx Notation; Higher Order Derivatives

The d/dx Notation; Higher Order Derivatives

Section 3.4 The Derivative as a Rate of Change

The Derivative as a Rate of Change

Section 3.5 The Chain Rule

The Chain Rule

Section 3.6 Differentiating the Trigonometric Functions

Differentiating the Trigonometric Functions

Section 3.7 Implicit Differentiation; Rational Powers

Implicit Differentiation; Rational Powers

Section 3.8 Rates of Change Per Unit Time

Rates of Change Per Unit Time

Section 3.9 Differentials; Newton-Raphson Approximations


Newton-Raphson Approximations