Pre-release Applets

This page contains applets developed with the current pre-release version of GeoGebra.  At this time, GeoGebra is on release 3.1.204.  When beta testing is complete, the release version is GeoGebra 3.2.  (I think the feature set for version 3.2 has been closed and the community is cleaning up bugs and issues.  I am hoping for a March release.)
  1. The Random Numbers and Spreadsheets applet looksat how random rumbers can be set to regenerate when a value is changed.  This allet also illustrates best fit curves and the use of a spreadsheet.
  2. A first box and whiskers diagram for 11 data points looks at the use of sort and also at a list of strings in a table.  A second web page gives the construction protocol for the previous applet.  A second box and whiskers applet focuses more on making divisions of the right size.
  3. The Riemann sum applet was written by Pascal Coubard of Lycée Professionnel France.  It compares various Riemann sums to the interal.  It illustrats the use of functions on lists and other list functions that are int he pre-release.
  4. The prism applet was written by Lucio Ferrari, SM Pregassona, Switzerland.  It allows you to unwrap a right polygon prism and illustrates working with 3D objects
  5. The pyramid applet was written by Lucio Ferrari, SM Pregassona, Switzerland. It lets you rotate the image of a pyramid in t3-space.  It includes a number of tools and uses the prerelease feature of multiplication of matrices on a list.
  6.  The barcos applet was written by Rafael Losada in Spain.  It looks at the classical problem of asking if two objects with crossing paths will collide.  It has some nice graphics and a second position grid with dramatic ship sinkings
  7. The butterfly applet was written by Mohamed Alsayes of the Emirates College for Advanced Education in the UAE.  It gives a pretty picture but also illustrates how you can change colors in an objects based on a variable value.
  8. The clock applet was written by Mohamed Alsayes of the Emirates College for Advanced Education in the UAE.  It illustrates putting a picture into an applet.
  9. The ellipse sequence applet was created by António Ribeiro is a Math Teacher at Gondomar Secondary School (Portugal).
  10. The Circle intersection applet was created by António Ribeiro is a Math Teacher at Gondomar Secondary School (Portugal).  It illustrates the use of a tool that was created by the user to simplify a complicated construction,
  11. The lissajous figure applet applet was produced by Miguel Bayona at the Lawrenceville School.  It is part of his larer mathplotter site which has a nice collection of math applets.
  12. The spirograph applet was written by Marc Renault of Shippensburg University.  Like the child's toy of the same name, it allows exploration and makes pretty pictures.
  13. The parametric grapher applet was written by Marc Renault of Shippensburg University.  It has some nice javascript controls that interact with the applet. 
  14. The polar grapher applet was written by Marc Renault of Shippensburg University.  It has some nice javascript controls that interact with the applet. 
  15. The level curves applet was written by Marc Renault of Shippensburg University.  It does families of curves and can be used to show how general quadratic equatons turn into conic.
  16. The visualizing eigenvectors applet was written by Marc Renault of Shippensburg University.  Illustrates how the pre-release version uses matrices.

Note that these should all work with GeoGebra 3.2 when it is released.

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